...could easily replace me in all my endeavors, but you be the judge...
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Jog n' Blog
Why did Snoop Dogg buy a raincoat?.................................Fa Drizzle

WHY is this hilarious to me right now? Well, the Tominator and I just went for a long jog and we're on an aerobic high. ;) There's nothing quite like a good rigorous jog to make you feel creative. As soon as we finished, I rushed over to the lap-top and flung it open as he flipped open his guitar case and we both lit up like lightbulbs as he started to pluck away and I said, "I've got to write something...if that's ok with you." as he simultaneosly says, "I've got to play guitar, so mind if I lay on the floor here and play while you write?" Then we had a good hearty laugh at the creativity explosion that was about occur in my livingroom! It was exhilirating I tell you. I figured that during this creative production, I would pop on to blogger and maybe get in a few words (dont worry- nothing philosophical) before it wore off and we were back to watching Back to the Future II and III in succession and being utterly lazy. So as I sit here and peck away at these keys, he's sitting here playin his lil heart out...it's good stuff! Two right-brained feelers just whippin up some brain candy. I express my random musings now as a 'play-by-play' of this inspirational happy-hour.

Songs he's singing and playing:

Ice Cream Man - Van Halen with David Lee Roth of course...he did this just for me and for the record, he's forgiven me for calling him a Van Traitor for lovin him some Sammy...but we kissed and made up and we're holding each other now and listenting to 5150, so all is well.

More than Words - Extreme very good...I was even singing but...ohhhh wait...he says that's too much trouble and he's not playing it anymore :(

Too Fast for Love - Motley Crue tee hee...no explanation necessary.

Sheena is a Punk Rocker - Ramones So is Laura Lee :)

Oh yey, hold on Nikki's here. She says hi everyone. She has a "big Ass Appletini" she's been drinking the whole way over. That's lovely. Ok, now we've put on the Jamiroquai CD, Canned Heat specifically, and Nikki is dancing and she's doing the routine she used to do as a Falcon Foot. They were actually called Falcon FEET, but she's dancing alone tonight, so she's a foot.

We're talking about how weird David Lee Roth is right now. What do you think? It's pretty much a universal opinon that he's a nut, right? Tom told us a sotry of how his friend met and hung out with DLR and he was constantly blurting things like, "Diamond Dave likes to hang in the Big Apple! BeeebbaaabedooBOP!" One time he was on the Tonight Show, giving one of his major career killing appearances and Leno asked Diamond Dave what he s been doing in Vegas...he answers, "Just hanging out at the Craps tables, having the waitresses change my bong water." That mighta finished him off. Also, where do the waitresses do THAT?! I need to go there! Though, if I have to act as weird as DLR, I don't wanna...I should just change my own (or get my helper monkey to do it!) They also both think that DLR is GAY?! I don't know where they got that idea! Was it the tights?

Now, we're listening to Funkadelic and so Nikki just told Tom the story about how I flashed everyone in the York Walmart while singing at the top of my lungs, "why must I, why must I, why must I chase the cat?! Ain't nuttin but the dog in me...aint nuttin but the doooog in me!" This was the day before my college graduation and they were up to see me walk the stage. I was utterly shitfaced. I also graduated summa cum laude..hehe...so it's all good. I mean if you were wondering why I'm allowed to act like an idiot n' stuff.

So we're having fun for now...gettin ready to go out...just three amigos who just happen to have our hearts in our hands at the current time. We're all love sick puppies. bow wow. It's why we must chase the cat! ;)

Nikki keeps trying to read my blog and I got mad and toldher to STOP IT it was rude and she said that writing one's blog while one's friends are here is rude. Tomato toMATo. She might be right though so...gotta sum this up and get ready to go streaking through the quad. :) More are coming.

Songs of the Day (I speak for three!):

Just a Gigalo - David Lee Roth
*cuzzzz I aint got nobooooody....nobody! babadeebababeedzeeba la BOP!...so sad and loooooooonley!

Dance the Night Away - Van Halen
*yes, we submit to you Sammy...mainly because Tom just pretended to play the bongos and made the noises with his mouth and danced and said, "This is the part in the concert where they have the EXPLOSION! I love heavy metal. Its' so ridiculous, what's not to love?" I CONCUR TOMMY! So this ones for you.

Cosmic Slop - Parliament Funkadelic
*this song was brought to you by the color purple and the letter "e". ;)

Delirious - Prince
*Cuz...we are.

New Moon on Monday- Duran Duran
*this is mainly to pacify Nikki (and apparently Tom is a huge fan as well, especially of the Decade video, Girls on Film cuz it's almost like a porno. Real nice, guys. Of course Nikki is in love...Tom is a Decade fan!) He's also starting his new job on Monday, so this is fitting.

Ok...we're out. I apologize for this blog entry in advance.


Blogger heather said...

maaaaan, you guys are having so much fun! wish i was there! have a good time tonight, dont corrupt my sean tom. laura you are truly heeeelarious! i laugh so hard at your witty reparte. (pronounced repartay but i have no french accents on here. blogger you suck!)

love you all!

Blogger Nikki W*j*hn said...

We are having so much fun, I wish I wasn't responding to the blog and would get off the damn couch and dance again. Man, Tom's a chain smoker!!! Having fun, HH, you should have cum down here. Darb is on his way over to L.L.'s house to pacify me and all my non-committment complaints. Yeah, I guess I find him sexy. The only question is, do I wear the low cut black tight fitting shirt or do I wear my ribbed black short sleeve turtleneck? Who cares, I'm wearing glittery eyeliner and L.L says that my hair looks good. Oh, and by the way... I'm a little drunk. Wish you were all here... I love you man....*hick-up*

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