...could easily replace me in all my endeavors, but you be the judge...
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Confessions of a perpetually smitten kitten…meow! ;)
Happy Valentine hang-over day! I hope we’re all thoroughly romanticized and glowing with blissful satisfaction today! So, I think I’m getting better with this ‘shorter blog’ thing, much to the chagrin of my fan (singular) whom I keep on the edge of her seat ;) or it could be that I am just a sleepwalking zombie today and can’t think to form sentences. Huked awn fonix wurkd fer me!

I don’t have any projects or sitcheeashuns brewing that are blogmentable, so this means I have to pick some random ass topic (yeah right) and produce my typical ‘waltz with words’ to the point where you wonder if I am so deep, I might be a superhuman-mastermind-wizard of sorts or if I am just a raving lunatic. I like to keep you guessing. Oh and by the way, thanks for all the calls yesterday you sweet peas! It was touching to feel the love. I never wonder whether or not I am loved (often question if I am liked), so thank you for your daily affirmations, my lil Stewart Smalleys! In fact, just thinking of your compassion…I’m a little vaclempt…talk amongst yourselves….here’s a topic: Crush. A bitter-sweet quixotic situation in which you will inevitably have your heart crushed like a beer can? OR The most tubular, radical, awesome, groovy, excellent ‘orange flavored’ and colored refreshment ever created by man? DISCUSS.

So yeah, let’s talk about crushes. Lindsay used to tell me when she met a new boy that she was feeling crushy. I simply loved this term, because it sounds so appealing in that context! We crave them, because they fill us with school-girl elation (even you men are as happy as school-girls when you’re crushin too and ya know it!) and give us something to obsess about every conscious minute. If you could add up all the minutes spent in the act of ‘crushin’ and then actually take that time and do something productive with it…well goll-lee folks, you might just come up with brilliant cataclysm such as this:

Please note, that link was compliments of HH’s blog as well as a small humanitarian expose on The Daily Show last night highlighting what 21 million dollars and an unnatural obsession with orange can do! This piece of ‘art’ is however still slightly on our topic since Crush is also a phatty-bo-batty beverage that is just slightly reminiscent of the above masterpiece. How lucky is Heather to be able to see this every five minutes if she wants to? Nothing gets me hotter than orange, my friends…this is mainly why I am not allowed within a ½ mile radius of any federal penitentiary, which is simply ridiculous, but we still write letters, me and Bubba, and he sends me pictures of him in his jumpsuit (hot!) so…we’re coping. Oh and this of course is ma shout out to the blogging of a real genius, HH, please stop by
http://heatherholley.blogspot.com She waaaaaay funee! She make me laugh long-time! She also give happy ending! Sank you berry much!

Ok back on topic Laura, GOSH!!! So we’re a bunch of crush coveters. And, am I wrong to say that marriage doesn’t even curb this entirely, or was that just me? I am the kind of broad that just always has a crush, needs a crush, finds a crush, weirds that crush out, and moves on to a new crush which inevitably ends in being crushed (back to the chorus…so on and so forth). So for the perpetually smitten kitten, what’s your advice my Mr. Miyagis? Wax on, wacks off??? How will this cat know when her crush isn’t a crush but something a little more along the lines of Shasta or Jolt? Which as we all know is taking it to the next level of commitment, dedication and pleasure. So don’t think I am just throwing that around. And could this one day be Gingerale? You know how I feel about Gingerale (see “Troy’s bucket” blog). Make your response really prosaic if you will. I got a bubble that’s just a waitin to be bursted, and I have the listening and comprehension skills of a Jack Russell terrier, so it’s appreciated. And yeah…I learned that word ‘bursted’ at the Glen Burnie Walmart, so what? It wadn’t my fault the soda machine bursted in the cafeteria hon. Alright well y’all in the peanut gallery think on “crushes” for a while and then leave me some comments, preferably ones that are not making fun of me, but rather have your opinions on crushes. Good or bad? Stepping stone to something more? Harmless diversions? Sick addictions? Or just an average carbonated pop?

Things I am thankful for today:
That Honey Brown Lager is the same color as my carpet
That the bananas at 7-11 were ripe today
Good kisses that get better
My crush ;)
The color orange

Songs of the Day (in order of importance naturally):
Peaceful Easy Feeling – The Eagles (no, not the ones who lost the Superbowl…losers)
The Reason – Hoobastank

ps: if you think I made it a whole blog with no movie quote, I urge you to think again Daniel Son.


Blogger Lindsay said...

Since I am the Yoda of your crush teachings, I will start with the first comment of the afternoon....
A crush, young Laura, is definitely a good thing, in my humble, yet wise opinion. I am the queen of crushes, having had so many in my life that I sometimes wonder if I am real live, orange soda?! Please embrace, love, breathe-in, drink from and suck in all the sweet juices that a crush has to offer...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think crushes are a sick addiction of which Ms. Lee and I are card carrying members of crusher anonymous.....The #1 fan of thelauralee bolgspot, hehehhehe.

Blogger TD said...

Crush. Crush is the feeling you get in your stomach when you see a certain someone walk in the door. Crush is the tingling on the back of your neck. Crush is losing your words.Shasta, or Jolt? That's looking in someones eyes and knowing that there is something there that you can''t imagine being without. That's the feeling of prefect calm when skin touches yours. That is knowing that for just one moment, one perfect momment that in that persons arms you have somehow found your own perfection and been closer to god than a life time of sunday school and boring services (holla if you hear me Ca-Tho-Lics!). Jolt is knowing that the perfection in you has been brought about through the touch and caress of anothers love. Shasta...acutally lets say Doctor Pepper, because it doesn't get the press it deserves, is looking into anothers eyes and wanting to crawl up there, and then being able to give up the glass.
Also, I would like to announce that there will be no update to my blog today, seeing as how I have already posted here on Laura's site. Okay, actually I will go update. I've got issues.

6:48 PM

Blogger heather said...

"wishin and hopin and thinkin and prayin, plannin and dreamin his kisses will start"ahhh crushes...they really are one of the best feelings out there. i always associate with crushes that point just before your "crushee" knows of your affection and you are consumed with "does he like me?", "omg he is so adorable. look how he holds a pencil", "i die a thousand deaths when he walks by...what could i possibly say to him?!" type of thoughts. now, as i get older, i feel the uncertainty of someone else's affection for you is rather irritating and i have no patience for it, but at the beginning of a new relationship it's practically euphoric and full of girly giggling.

btw, anyone want the full lyrics to that fabulous song:


ps. LOVE that song The Reason --one of my all time favorites even if my eyes do water every time...

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