...could easily replace me in all my endeavors, but you be the judge...
Sunday, February 27, 2005
It's Raining in Baltimore...
This kite has come down. :( I've just been through two very difficult things in the last hour...first, Tom left for North Carolina this morning and second, because of that first thing, I had to get up before noon after many beers n' stuff...curse you Thomas!!!! ;)

As soon as he walked out the door, I had a feeling he might have left a Dear John on the world wide web, and sure enough...he did. I made it throught the goodbye without any tears, but not through the blog (you know, because things on the internet are so much more moving than things that happen in REAL LIFE). Your insight and gratitude are touching, and I'm so proud of you for 'jumpin the cliff' as we called it this morning. It's all going to work out fabulously, because we expect nothing less from you and you just can't let us down. Are you feeling the presusre yet? Dance monkey! (I gotta stop with the monkey references....I'm obsessed). Anyway everyone, check out
Tom's last two blogs if you're wondering what kind of terrifically entertaining house guest I've had for the last few days (or in case you want to know what we've eaten in the past 48 hours...which I have to say, I love that about you Tom...we're like kindred women, the way we discuss what we've eaten, on our blogs. Let's get together and do our nails soon, k?) Anyway, thank you for visitng me kiddo. It's always invigorating to be around someone creative, sensitive and hilarious and I like makin up songs and listening to heavy metal played blues-style. ;) Don't work yourself to death down there and do not, I repeat DO NOT under any circumstances buy into that whole "Duke" thing. Pulleeezze! I don't care how 'beautiful' the campus is. Don't break my heart. Ya gots ta represent, man. Duck Fuke....remember what mama taught you. (I'm mama). ;) Also, remember, you are never alone. Comic relief, confusing anecdotes and bizzare theories are always yours through blogs, emails and IMs as far as thelauralee goes.

Ok...I'm so sad...I have to go lay down a lot, but first I will probably partake in the wonderous magic that is Tylenol PM. Yes my friends...sleep away your blues (hell, the pill itself is even blue!)

Thanks to all ma dawgs who hung out last night...and all you lil shietes who called out on thelauralee, I absolve you. Like I said in my comment on TS's blog, I'm like an alcoholic Mother Theresa, the way I forgive and do nice stuff n' all, so it's all good ;)

Just a few items before I slip into the big sleep...things left behind:

Tommy boy, you left my my toilet seat up. Its ok...I was planning to treasure it always by leaving it up but I'm afraid I might forget, sit down in the dark, and have my ass cheeks meet freezing water. Not cool. So, it's back down, but next time you visit, it'll be back up!

Nikki, you left your Big Ass Appletini "TRAVEL" mug here (great concept Nik, way to combine the illegal and the practical with your subtance abuse issues). It'll be here next time you come over. No worries.

To the rest of my party people...you left the rest of the pizza here. Curse you. THAT probably WON'T be here the next time you come over...just postulating ;)

Oopps, look like I won't be catching any zzzzz's cuz I just got an unexpected knock on the door...it's the one and only Nick! Lucky me! Too bad for him I already took the Tylenol PM! haha Ok, gots to be goin, I'm forever the entertainer! I should probably say something meaningful here to sum up my dedication to the Big T:

Abadeee abadeee, that's all Folks! -Porky Pig

Songs of the Morning:
It's Raining in Baltimore - Counting Crows (how apropos...check it out)
Gone to Carolina in My Mind - James Taylor

Jumper - Third Eye Blind


Blogger TD said...

Well, gd Laura. Thanks. I had a great time and while I know you have two degrees, I really think you should go into therapy. No pressure felt. I am in Raleigh for the next year and know that I am going to have all the fun, all the success and get all the love that I deserve. Hell, you served up a great big helping to me this weekend, and I will never forget that.I had my nails done once, but I can't say that I feel real good about you likening me to a kindred woman. Sports, beer, wang dang sweet pootang. So, door's open once I get a place.

Blogger TD said...

When I said "go into therapy" I meant not that you NEED therapy, but that you should give it. Be a therapist. You already are

Blogger TD said...

Though, if you wanted to go into therapy, there would be absolutely nothing wrong with that and I would support you 100% in your efforts to heal from whatever trauma a good healthy Catholic upbringing may have caused you.

Blogger TD said...

.....not that there is anything wrong with being Catholic.

Blogger heather said...

but again, nothing wrong with those who are "in therapy"...everyone needs a lil help now and again. (tick, tick) haha. will read your blog now tom(funny to call you that still), i'll get some tissues beforehand, i know i'll need them.

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