...could easily replace me in all my endeavors, but you be the judge...
Friday, November 18, 2005
Bow to death, Harry...
"Bow to it...It might even be painless...I would not know...I have never died." --Lord Voldemort

oooooooooohhhhhhhh...so sckawee! Me so sckayawd. ;) Hold me.

WHOOPIE!!! Its here! The day has finally come! I'm a proud nerd. (drum roll & trumpets)
Dumm da-da daaaaaaa!

The Quidditch World Cup! Death Eaters! The Triwizard Tournament! Weasley's Wizard Wheezes! Dragons! Grindylows! Giants! Blast Ended Skrewts! And finally...bone of thy father, hand of thy servant and blood of thy enemy! Whatz that spell? (lemmie hear ya)


Yeah....I'm pretty much wearing a cape tonight. ;) I'm that far gone. Erin is meeting me at 5 pm at my house and will then begin creating a realistic scar on my forehead (sans the burning thank you) so that people will honor and perhaps fear me in line at Crown Theater in Annapolis. I mean, that's the kind of thing that really gleans respect, people. Trust me on this.

I bought my tickets on Tuesday...haha. And on top of it, the first two shows I picked were sold out! So were going at 8:10pm. There should be plenty of freaks in line for this showing. When Erin and Heather and I went to get Book 6 at Harry Potter Midnight Madness a few months ago, we were VERY entertained to say the least, by people who take it waaaaay over the top. People dressed as elves, lots of makeshift scars, people wearing capes/robes and gold & maroon scarves with the actual Griffindor crest on them! Where does one even BUY that? (seriously...where? I, um, only want to know fooooor... research purposes!....er, yeah, that's it.)

So a good time is expected to be had. I want to know what you all (the 'enlightened' few who actually follow HP) thought of the movie afterwards! Comments please! And yessss, you are allowed to berate me for my lofty geekism on my own blog...only if its a good shot though. Be creative! "You're a nerd." will get no points! You will then NOT be awarded the Triwizard Cup, or the athletic cup, or dixie cup or any other cups or praise of any sort, thank you.

Have a great weekend!

Love and magic to all you muggles,
Your Royal Nerdliness....Mad Eye Moody Lee


Blogger John Holland said...

I would never berate you for such lofty nerdiness. More power to such nerdiness! Let me know how the movie was, it may be awhile before I get to see it. The theaters here are still not open, the closest one is in Mississippi, about an hours drive from here.

Blogger S* said...

Did you like it, huh? Huh? HH took me on a date and we went to see it and had nachos and lots of popcorn. I saw the first two movies and enjoyed them...never read the books (sorry!) and am curious to see what a diehard fan thinks.

Blogger heather said...

loooooved it! like i told Shana, it's a cliffs notes version of book 4, but a fantastic one nonetheless.

voldemort could have been scarier. though, ralph fiennes voice makes me melt. even as an evil lord. freaky.

Blogger Laura Lee said...

I loved it of course! What a thriller! :)

Be patient my little muggles...thelauralee will blog about the movie soon enough...soon enough...

ps: what the hell is "sukesle"? Thats the word I had to verify to write this comment. Sounds sexual...and uncomfortable. I'm Ron Burgandy?

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