...could easily replace me in all my endeavors, but you be the judge...
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Angels We Have Heard Are High
I, Laura Lee, of sound body and mind, solemnly swear to NEVER read an email titled "ANGELS!" Especially if it has the little attachment paperclip next to it. Case in point:

From: Anonymous for her own protection
To: Laura Lee

That has "do not open me if you do not want to be instantly annoyed" written all over it. However today...I was curious. Why would this friend of mine want to send this to me? She must think that it has value to me. I must see what this is all about. Bad decision.

I see 8 of these terrifying angelabies (that's what I'm calling them: angels + babies = angelabies) bouncing on my screen at an eye rupturing rate, with this important message:

"8 angels r sent 2 u, u must send them to 8 people including me. in 8 minutes u will receive something u have long awaited. have faith!"

Ya know what? You ARE going to receive something you have long awaited. Another one of my blog rants. This is SO DUMB! And do you REALLY want me to send this back to you? I think if I sent this and got it back from (hold on let me count to see how many other people were forwarded to)...oh...8....duh. Anyway, if I got 8 of these back in my box with attachments it would actually stress me out! Not to mention fill up my inbox.

I appreciate that you thought of me, but unless you are speaking directly to me or its really funny or good, don't. Don't do it. For the love of God, please. For the love of Angels, please. The one exception to this rule is if you actually do see angels. Then you may title it "Angels" and if you happen to snap a picture of it too, you may attach it. However, I suggest you title it: "HOLY SH*T! I saw a real MF angel, LAURA LEE, you've got to see this!"

I leave you with another forward I got in my box today...for your forwarding pleasure. I figure if I post it on my blog, I've got the 7 people it's threatened me to forward to covered right? Wait...do at least 7 people read my blog anymore??? hello?

Subject: Dogs Savage Crocodile (be careful if you have a weak stomach - read text first)

Sometimes nature is cruel but there is also a beauty in that cruelty. The crocodile as one of the ultimate predators can fall victim to the kind of implemented 'team work' strategy which is possible due to the pack mentality and social structure of canines. See the attached and remarkable photograph courtesy of Nature Magazine - but not if you're squeamish!

space down...space down....space down (you get the point)

Now that was good. :)

Have a hell of a humpday kids...


Blogger heather said...

WHAT TO DO: copy (not forward!) the information below and send it back to whoever sent it to you AND to 10 more people! you'll learn some really great shit about dumb ass forwarding emails!

omg, AMEN. i hate that shit! i have a few peeps that send me that crap all the time and it's like "um...what do i have to do so you stop sending me these most ridiculous, heinous crimes against the invention of email?!" and ya know, i could REALLY stereotype people that send this shit because i think i've got it down to a SCIENCE but i wont bc then ppl might realize what a cruel insensitive bitch i really am. haha. and we wouldnt want that ;)

and that babangel as i'll call it? hello! bigger tits than i have. give that cherub a training bra!

the puppies with the crocodile? (never smile at a crocodile...) very cute. bc i like dogs and when are they not cute? even when they've pooped in your kitchen and they're jumping up and down in it? i'm a sucker for the pups.


if you do not send this to those 10 people then, depending on your age:

1) that boy you have a mad crush on will totally not ask you out!

2) you wont get accepted to that college even though you did apply "early decision".

3) that job you want? uh-uh. dont think about it. you suck, and you wont get it.

4) that strange, unidentified itching on your groin? that aint no bug bite, buddy.


Blogger S* said...

Uh oh...I thought for a second it had been HH who sent it, but then I would have gotten it too.

My godmother was so bad with the forwards (including all 100 email addys of everyone else it had been forwarded to) that I had to block her account. :(

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