...could easily replace me in all my endeavors, but you be the judge...
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I'm Devastated!!!!
Ok so maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's close. My eyes are puffy and my cheeks are tear streaked. My nose is stuffy and there's tissues strewn copiously about.

It's over. I finished Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince this morning. :( I had to just backtrack and erase what I just wrote, because it was the sad ending to Book 6. I thought the better of it, just in case someone here hasn't finished reading it, although I think I am close to the last person on this planet who is an HP fan who's just now finished it. I DEFINITELY know I'm the only person in this planet who actually went and got it at midnight the day it was released and have just now bothered to finish it. Whoops.

I had have a busy few months to say the least! But, my long train rides made for a good chance to get down to business. Wow. I have been whimpering all morning. Ok...I cried like a baby! Just call me Moaning Myrtle! I am in shock. Those of you who were abusing me to finish the book, I've done it and by now you probably are past discussing it, but should you change your mind, I'd love to talk about it...If you don't mind the crying and feeble attempts to cast simple spells like: Repairo! and Lumos! and my favorite: Accio...! It's great in theory for lazy people like me who want things brought magically to them. ;) I'll never give up! I can't be just a Muggle!

Sigh...I feel like I need to be held or something. Maybe I should go home and mourn. Everyone gave me a pretty fair warning that I might be a bit melancholy after reading that amazing book, but alas...nothing is quite like feeling it for yourself. For all you non-Harry Potter readers on here:

1) I pity you. Get with the program! It's not jumping on the bandwagon, its joining an elite and creative club and introducing your mind and your senses to something so incredible...you'll wonder how you went so long not having been a part of it.
2) I'm not insane. ;)

Ok...Now you know I mean business here: COMMENTS PLEASE!!!! Be careful not to reveal too much of the plot on here, you can email me if you want to talk specifically. I have to say thank you to all of you who kept it quiet how the book ended and thank you also to those who warned me to stay off the spoiler sites. I can't believe that I took this long to finish it and yet I was still totally stunned by the climax. Amazing. So, my deepest appreciation to those of you who protected the secrets the Book 6 held. I would have Avada Kadavera!-ed your asses if you had told me though. Im not joking. ;)

Peace love and Harry Potterness to you all! Now I just have to hold out until November 18 for some more HP!!!! The Goblet of Fire!


Blogger heather said...

awwww sweetie, wasnt it wonderful and amazing?! and dont worry about the ending, i think i have it all figured out and we'll discuss....will all make sense after :) hehe.

i love you! so glad you finished!

Blogger Laura Lee said...


Just kidding...but please! I need to hear these theories. Im too wounded and upset to come up with anything on my own...STUPIFY!

How will we all go on? Whats to happen to us? ;( *sniff* I just don't undertstand! It's so dark here...I think I see Jesus...God is that you? Dumbledore? So cold...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am soooo happy you finally finished the book. I can't believe I finished it before you. It has been very hard because I don't know anyone who reads it that I could talk to about it. Will e-mail you for more discussion.

Blogger Lindsay said...

I'm a loser and have never read Harry Potter...I'll get to it one day....I know, I know...I'm a loser for never having even read ANY HP books....degrate me now and make me cry too and we can hold eachother....

Blogger John Holland said...

All might not be as it seems with the ending. I think the next book there will be some surprises.

Blogger TD said...

End of that book?!? Shocking! Unexpected! I was sitting there with my jaw open (mind you, this was back in July) Everyone should read the books. The are worth the time!Masterpieces.

Blogger heather said...

you make me laugh so hard LL. i am in love with you. let's get married. then we'll spend our lives proving to ourselves that we are in fact real witches just like our little hermione. god i love her. she can be such a self-righteous bitch. ;)

when you comin' up?

Blogger Stargate Jumper said...

You guys really were surprised by the end of the book???

That was classic good vs evil, story telling. It was Luke seeing Darth Vader killing Obi-wan.

Don't get me wrong the HP books are great for the ideas and imagination and fantasy that JK Rowlings puts forth, but there's nothing new about how the story is going...

And that is why those story of good vs evil grab us the way they do. It's because that's the best way to tell them.

Is Darth Vader a bad guy or is the Emperor the real bad guy? Is Obi-wan really dead? Luke can only step up and be the hero that he needs to be if he feels that he's the last line of defense against the Emperor. Sure Han Solo and Leia are there to help him, but only when old Ben dies that Luke truly find his place and purpose. :)

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