...could easily replace me in all my endeavors, but you be the judge...
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong... (stay with me here)

No, that's not my TO DO list ;) It tis the joyous sound that filled our ears last night as we handed over 80 bones to the University of Maryland Bookstore at the stroke of midnight! Four copies of HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE, are indeed in our possession. :)

Let me preface this entry by saying that it WAS exciting to be there, for Harry Potter Midnight Madness, but it was a bit unnerving to see the level of "madness" people really did display. Many of those people in line for books will remain virgins for eternity. I wish I had the pictures we took, and I wish even more that you could have been there to see this circus. All the three of us needed to do was share a brief glance with one another to convey the simple thought, "OMG, look at that freak over there with the gigantic wand and elf ears!!!" haha

At one point, we saw a very somber young man wearing a crushed purple velvet hooded cloak (hood over his head of course...I mean what do you expect? We were in the Student Union where one needs head cover!) Some of you might not get this little bit here, if you don't read the HPs books, but I leaned over and said, "I just wanted to let you know, ummm, your invisibility cloak isn't working. I can see you." haha Later on, Erin and I thought that would have been more entertaining if it has started with me actually bumping into the guy and saying, "oh whoops, sorry, I didn't see you with that bitchin invisibility cloak on." BUT it would only be complete, if we didn't look directly at his face when we said it, just to the side, so that it gave the impression, we really couldn't see him." So yeah...there were lots of Gryffindor scarves, a few Dobbys, a Trelawney (though its possible that very ornate outfit was her daily wear...she looked a bit "arty"), lots of foreheads with lightening bolts drawn on them and last but not least, lots of little black circular lensed glasses. Oculous Reparo! :) It was hard not to get into character with them. I did at one point decide that Im going to have to get my hands on some wooden drumsticks, a piece of sand paper and some stain and a feather from the tail of a Phoenix. I've got an idea for a good wand brewing here...who wants one?! :)

Anyway, its gooooooood y'all. ;) TITillating really. I don't want to tease those of you who haven't gotten it yet, but hey, its good shit is all Im sayin and Im a lucky beeyatch to have it in my grubby little mits right now. I had a good time last night, being all "hyper excited" and nerdy enough to wait in a line at midnight. Though, I don't know how well it went over when, as soon as they handed me my copy, I held it up and said, "I GOT ONE!!! Woooooooo! Great Odin's Raven! I've finally got one! Oh joyous Harry Potter my love child! I am in a glass case of emotion!", opened the novel and inhaled its freshly published aroma; then rubbed it between my legs moaning before sitting down right in the middle of the auditorium to start reading it and exclaiming with random bursts of excitement at the glorious text...

But hey, at least I wasn't wearing a freaking invisibility cloak.

Songs of the Day:
Magic - The Cars
Magic Man - Heart
Pinball Wizard - Elton John (from Tommy)
People are Strange - The Doors

ps: Alohomora! is: The unlocking charm, used to make a locked object unlocked (though this is basic HP material people and I feel that you all should know this by now...really...come on.) For other spells, check
THIS out.

pps: I borrowed a few "emotional quotes" from Ron Burgundy.
See here.
I couldn't really find a way to work in: "Whats that Baxter? You know I don't speak Spanish. What? You pooped in the refridgerator? And you ate an entire wheel of cheese? I'm not even mad, I'm Impressed." ;)


Blogger Laura Lee said...

One more thing...

Have a fun weekend muggles...and enjoy burying your nose in HP during all these thunderstorms were having. In case youre feeling a little like you should have reread 5 in order to refresh your memory before starting 6, try this website out, where they have summarys of all the books leading up to 6:

Verita Serum! Let the truth be known!

Im a huge dork. :)

Blogger John Holland said...

I stopped at Barnes and Noble last night around nine, just to kill some time before Charlie and the Chocolate Factory started and I couldnt' believe how busy the bookstore was. Than I remembered what day it was. Everyone was there for Harry Potter. I have to read the last book, I lent it to a friend that turned out not to be a friend and ended up keeping a lot of books and stuff I had given her...I just haven't gotten around to rebuying it, which I should. Even more so now so I can read the new one.

Blogger TD said...

The book is great. I felt way femninine when I was reading the first one. I was hooked by part 3 and read 4&5 over the course of two days each. Couldn't put them down.

I wish I could have re-read the 5th one before i bought the new one. The girl at the Vegas airport Borders told me she had sold 600 copies in two days! Wow.

Hey, thanks for the numbers btw! You paid for my week LL!

Blogger sage said...

One more comment about the new Harry Potter book... My secretary was reading it at her desk today, while eating lunch. I made a joke about her going to the bookstore at midnight and she quickly said, not me. It arrived this morning from Amazon! She promised to lend me the book after she, her two daughters and her husband gets through it.

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